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Other works

Follow Jazzy and Rhumbi’s adventures in music when they visit their relatives in Paris.

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Jazzy and Rhumbi Adventures in Music

Where do you turn in times of vague uneasiness, prolonged stress, depression, or even despair? No matter how difficult life’s circumstances become, Dr. Dori Seider affirms a permanent pathway to a state of overwhelming contentment.

In A Place Called Happiness, she helps us define a new approach that will invite contentment, ask it to stay longer and create an enduring sense of well-being.

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A Place Called Happiness

Everything we do and everything we are, teaches. In this book, Dori Seider reveals how each of us, teacher and student, can rebuild and reshape our existence. Read it, reaffirm your beliefs and revitalize yourself.

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Teach Me Something Real

Has a perfectly timed, seemingly impossible event happened to you? Dori Seider shares her experiences with these events and shares her reflections.

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Coincidence and Synchronicity

Dori Seider presents to young readers the first book of a series that follows the adventures of two rescue cats, Jazzy and Rhumbi.

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Jazzy and Rhumbi To The Rescue

Come and fly with two women to breakfast and beyond. Feel free to fly your own vision of the future that we will build together.

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Flying To Breakfast

Join Jazzy and Rhumbi as they share with you their exciting and unusual adventures in Paris.

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Jazzy And Rhumbi In Paris